Hoje trago-vos uma receita que encontrei no blog da Cristina Ferreira. E desde que ela criou o seu blog , tenho por norma dar lá uma espreitadela, onde encontrei esta receita de bolo de iogurte com limão que me pareceu deliciosa. Eu adoro bolo de iogurte apesar de só o comer quando esta quente ou nas horas seguintes, é um dos meus bolos preferidos.
Deixo-vos aqui a receita deste bolo, para mais receitas passem pelo blog Daily Cristina
Today I want to share a great recipe that I found on Cristina's Ferreira blog. Ever since she started her blog I like to go there and this time I found a yogurt cake with limon recipe that sounded delicious. I love yogurt cake although, I only eat it when it's hot or in the next few hours, is one of my favorites cakes.
I'll leave the recipe for this cake in here, but for more recipes go to the blog Daily Cristina and you will find many more.
Today I want to share a great recipe that I found on Cristina's Ferreira blog. Ever since she started her blog I like to go there and this time I found a yogurt cake with limon recipe that sounded delicious. I love yogurt cake although, I only eat it when it's hot or in the next few hours, is one of my favorites cakes.
I'll leave the recipe for this cake in here, but for more recipes go to the blog Daily Cristina and you will find many more.
2 iogurtes de aroma a gosto/ 2 yogurts, you can use your favorite flavor
5 ovos/ 5 eggs
1 colher de sobremesa de raspa de limão/ 1 tablespoon lemon zest
250g de açúcar/ 250g of suggar
1,5 dl. de óleo/ 1.5 dl. Oil
300g de farinha/ 300g flour
1 colher de chá de fermento em pó/ 1 teaspoon baking powder
Margarina para untar/ Margarine to grease the form
Farinha para polvilhar/ Flour to sprinkle
Ligue o forno a 180º.
Barre uma forma com margarina e polvilhe com farinha.
Deite os ovos para uma tigela, junte o açúcar e bata até triplicar o volume. Junte o óleo em fio batendo sempre, junte também os iogurtes, a farinha, o fermento e a raspa do limão e bata até ficar uma massa lisa.
Deite na forma e leve ao forno durante 30 minutos.
Verifique a cozedura com um palito. Retire do forno e deixe arrefecer um pouco, de seguida desenforme e sirva frio.
Preheat the oven to 180 º.
Cover the form with margarine and sprinkle with flour.
Put the eggs into a bowl, add the sugar and beat until the volume triples. Add the oil but continue to beat the dough, add the yogurt, flour, baking powder and lemon zest and beat until the dough is smooth.
Bake it for 30 minutes.
Check the dough with a toothpick to se if it baked. Remove from oven and let it cool, then unmold and serve cold.
Preheat the oven to 180 º.
Cover the form with margarine and sprinkle with flour.
Put the eggs into a bowl, add the sugar and beat until the volume triples. Add the oil but continue to beat the dough, add the yogurt, flour, baking powder and lemon zest and beat until the dough is smooth.
Bake it for 30 minutes.
Check the dough with a toothpick to se if it baked. Remove from oven and let it cool, then unmold and serve cold.
A foto e a receita foram retiradas do blog, veja a versão original:
This photo and recipe were taken from this blog, you can see the original version in here:
This photo and recipe were taken from this blog, you can see the original version in here:
Já não como bolo de limão à anos... E gosto tanto! Não sei porque mas só me dá pra comer bolos assim no frio. Durante o verão só me apetece é bombas calóricas mesmo lol